Saturday, March 04, 2006

My life online....

Bridesmaid shopping. How many people can i offend in one day. I'm a bit of a critic/whinger, and well putting on shitty frocks def brought it out in me. Until we found some good uns. We've got the style that we want, we both look lovely in it. The colour is almost decided too. Potentially deep aubergine (deep purple - eggplant purple) or maybe pale blue. Trying on dresses does a few things to you.
A) Make you feel fat
B) Make you feel gorgeous
C) Make you hate sales people
D) Make you glad you aren't trying on bridal gowns!

I do love a good dress up though. And then the hair will be done & the makeup... but even better - there is talk of a stretch chevvy being the vehicle that wisks us away to the reception. Now that would be sweet. Crusing around Kiama & Wollongong in a chev. Bring it on!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

girl, I'm going through the same thing... trying on dresses in the colour the bride loves *sigh* and since I already bitched about one colour I can't keep complaining about this one.

Tell you a secret...watching her try on all those bridal gowns makes me want to be the one trying on bridal gowns and makes me very grumpy around micah :p

glad you found a good one though!
in our last excursion we found dresses of such ugliness that we bought them for super cheap and we are holding an ugly dress party in their honour.

3:31 AM  

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