Sunday, November 12, 2006


I really have the kids in Vancouver to blame for my interest in motorbikes. Adam, first & foremost, then Jess.

After much talk & much waiting, myself, Sarah May & Georgie got up far to early (for a weekend) and headed out to Botany to do our pre learner motorbike course.

Yes, pre learner - before you can get your Learner permint on a motorbike in NSW, you must attend compulsory training ($69 for 8 hours training is pretty good though, yay for the government subsidising & trying to save lives).

I was nervous. I don't have a car licence. I've never ever driven a manual car. I've prob only driven a car 15 times in my life...

But dammit, I did it! Such a sense of achievement. I'm not really known for pushing myself to learn new things. This was a big step in itself really. To add to my learning curve was my loss of voice. So not only am I bopping about in a fullface helmut, my hearing as dodgey as ever but with the added bonus of a croaky voice. Hurrah!

Motorcylces. Wow, so much going on. People make them look so easy to ride. But every bit of you're body is doing something. Both hands, both feet, knees in, keep your posture relaxed, wrists about multi tasking. Then the whole gears thingy. Yes, got there eventually. My preferred learning style is discuss/do/write down. Tends to stay in my head best. However, no time for that. Prob not quite enough time on some of the activities to master things, but gradually, it makes sense... Practice makes perfect.

Now I just need to do some more demo questions on:
Then go to: demonstrationdriverknowledgetest (i had to break the link as it was upsetting a blogreader with it's destruction of my paragraph set up)

and once I get my voice back I'll be heading down to the RTA to sit the written/computer test. Then I scope out quiet practice places. Then I can go buy me a motorbike...eeek! Liz, help please!


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