Saturday, November 19, 2005

Could it be...

Food: my love love relationship keeps involving less love, and more hate. Not to mention more bloating & gurgling.
Last nights potential culprits:

Garlic Bread
Sparkling mineral water
4 pieces of Violet Crumble (choc coated honeycomb for those not in the know)

Just 3 short hours after I ingested it, I was feeling beyond yuck. Head started feeling awful, and my stomach was having a disco with a thousand little food particles dancing up a storm inside me, or maybe they were moshing, yeah, moshing. Which didn't cap off my cool & cruisey evening spent with my mates Carlie & Kris, their lil 6mth old Jakson (who didn't scream when he saw me this time - yes!) & their babysitting charge Teana.

I twisted my ankle walking to their place too. In all my years of playing soccer & touch footy - i maybe have twisted my ankle once. I did it badly once at netball - but I was about 14 then. So in 10 years I've been kind to my ankles - and then steeping down from the lowest point of a driveway onto the road and OWWWWWWWWWWW! Damn those 2 inch drops. So slowly I made my way to my mates. It's fragile but completely useable, which is fab. As it was a good 30 minutes walk home. Managed 20 minutes on the cross trainer at the gym today to, but then caught the fragile ankle as i was getting off a weights machine. More swearing under my breath. Fingers crossed it will be happy swimming in the ocean tmw..

Today I went to the dentist, seing this weekend is all about punishing my body. Least this was good punishment - my super enamel-lacking back molars now are coated in lovely white filling.

So sugar & booze here I come. Ok mum, then, well maybe after I let this skin & belly craziness receede.


Blogger Ryaninja said...

I wrote a really long reply to this, but blogspot just deleted it for me, helpfully. Luckily, most of it was just waffle, and I can probably summarise it all with one word:


There. Right, time for work.

7:54 PM  

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