Sunday, October 02, 2005

Go them magpies/tigers/wests/balmain!

Yeah baby! Being subjected by my father to support the Maggies, means that right now, I'm happy that they got a grandfinal win, and a try right on the buzzer, under their belts. Esp happy as my folks are coming down to say hello tmw, and this means Dad will be a happy camper!

Other news: the pink boots had their first outing. I got blisters. They are soo cool.

Last Sunday was 6 months since I left London. I had such a rubbish day. But then this week - voila! Complete opposite, i've had so much fun, spent so much cashola, and am soo happy. I think i was out almost every night last night, Mon - gym, Tues - dinner with Grant & Chris, Wed - medical survey, Thurs - Grants birthday bash, Fri - submitted uni application and went and hit the bars with Gutch & Mal. Was fab. Good company then good pizza for dinner, and a short wait for the bus. Sat - noon, lucnh with Carlie & Mich at Coogee Bay Hotel, went home for a few hours, then my housemate wouldnt come to the movies with me, so they recruited their other friend to come and hangout. He's cool, so no probs. I'll buy mates off Ebay if I have too to go to the pub. Palace/Aquarium bar 1st stop. Everyone else had been to the races, and was glam beyond glam. We were just normal. Service is DIRE there. Grant joined us after a while, and we continued our gutteresque conversations and headed to the Coogee Bay Hotel, where the bouncer looked more wired than the patrons...and that's saying something.
We gave up about 2.30am, due to lack of funds. I kept up with the boys drinks wise, not a bad effort, esp as I only had a naan bread for dinner. Highly irresponsible I know. Seems my tolerance has increased once again. D'oh. All in all, I had a fab day, it ended ever so late...

Sunday I caught a lift to the city, bought new cds - Zutons & Franz Ferdinands newie. Went to the markets at Bondi to see Gunther, Sooz was there to - nice just to catch up with people briefly.

Oh yeah, summer is here, and perving season is full swing.

I've got my bikini & im not affraid to use it...

Behave kids, I certainly am not.


Blogger Reesh said...

Ahh summer, but a faint memory with all this rain and coloured leaves. I think those pink boots would look fabulous with a bikini!!

4:48 AM  

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