Monday, September 12, 2005

Bday wishes for fishes

We did the bash. We did the birthday bash.

The 'As annual as we can' Sarah & Nicki birthday bash occured on Saturday night. My first bday in Oz in 5 years...what a scorcher. I'd tell you all about it if i had better recollection of parts of the night...

The start was bad. I had a clothing crisis, followed by housemates hating each other crisis, followed by chocolate throwing/door slamming/stereo cranked 5 minutes before I was leaving the house. Great, just the mood i wanted to go to my party in. Sneeky vodka and out the door i ran. Taxi!

The the 'i can't make it' texts started flowing. Of all nights. Bad enough my housemate couldn't go due to world war 3 that had hit before i left the house. Grrr. Then another friend. Then one of my best friends K bailed too. I was very close to throwing a tanty. Luckily, my friends agreed that the best course of action was several vodkas in quick sucession! AND PRAISE BE - it worked! And then a few mates came out, one who I thought would bail, as he is K's other half, he's also been my friend for as long, but he works hard and get's up at stupid a'clock always. So that made me super happy. And after that the night steam rollled ahead...

I believe the night was a success! I can't remember much of the music at the club, they did play - 'I got soul but i'm not a soldier', by the Killers, that was great. I saw a girl I went to school with too. I can't hide in Sydney. I think i only ended up a heap on the floor once. Yeah, i think I hit the bottle too hard. It was medicinal purposes though!

I was lucky later on i found a lovely, tall, resting post. The other birthday gals man got booted from the club. Apparently he was sleeping. On the dance floor. However, E was standing, moving, dancing. Bouncers are SOOO full of shit so often. The boys got me a beautiful flashing ring. It continued flashing until 10pm when housemate G showed us trade secrets and turned it off. No more dico fruit bowl.

I even forgot about the troubles in our little flat by the glad they're over. I'll post some pics so you can laugh at moi.


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9:12 PM  
Blogger Reesh said...

Happy be-lated birthday!! I am just catching up with everyone's blogs so I'm a little late! Sounds like you had a smashing time...

4:51 AM  

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