Monday, June 27, 2005

....Degrees of Separation...

I have many hours commuting each week (over 15 hours...yawn!), I think alot, mostly about irrelevant stuff. A common thought is how tiny Sydney is, how minute the Mountains are (my local area), and how I bump into people all over.

The world therefore is SMALL.

I was at a party the other week, in Annandale, and somehow, an ex housemate had left a random array of books at the house. The Kevin Bacon Game (!) being one of them.

So, 6 degrees of separation, Kevin Bacon & my long hours on the late running trains, my recent fascination with celebs, spawned ideas.

Who could I link to in 6 degrees, or less. Hmm, a few minor Oz radio dj's/former punk rockers in 3 degrees. Can we link up & go a little more global...

Listening to White Stripes cd and I heard the song 'It's true that we love one another' White Stripes & Holly Golightly...hang on former housemate in east London Ed, plays guitar for Holly. Holly recorded with White Stripes. B I N G O (and BINGO was his name oooooooo). And Jack White dated Renee Zwellegar.

Wow, I can link to half of Hollywood now.

I can do another smaller scale link to Hollywood, my friend Murielle (not her real name, but she is terrible!), cousin Gia is married to Anthony La Paglia. More possibilities from there!

So I'm lame. It's mountains life I tells ya.

Anyone else have enough time to think about linking people to themselves??


Blogger Ryaninja said...

I remember once when I was about seven I went to a jumble sale and saw loads of toys I was convinced were mine. Proof came finally when I found a colouring book that had my name in it. A load of my toys had been given away/sold by my foster parents without my knowledge.

Nobody would listen to me when I told them, so I stole a toy snake from the stall, even though it belonged to me anyway.

Wow, what a pleasant memory!

10:28 PM  
Blogger Ryaninja said...

This appears to be totally random. I really should read all of people's posts before replying, but I'm very excitable, and get distracted easily...

Ummm. I'm sure I can link to lots of people, not least because I know someone who's slept with Dolph Lungdren, my mum's a probabtion officer, so she probably knows lots of famous killers, and I work with a guy who knows the Darkness. In fact, they were gonna perform at his wedding, but they got double booked for a proper gig.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Reesh said...

In answer to your question about baby names, we haven't decided on anything yet. Well possibly Lilian Asha, Lilian after my grandmother and Asha after Devinder's sister. As for boy names, we haven't come up with a single one that either of us can agree on. Luckily we still have 5 more months to decide. We are open to any and all suggestions, but please don't be upset if we chose none of them!!

Oh, I just re-read your comment and you actually asked about our surname - oops. Well, we haven't decided that either. Devinder at one point said that our kid's could take my last name since I am so vocal about it, but I do want him to be absolutely sure first.

How's life by the way? Haven't seen an updated post for a while. You still alive?


8:46 AM  

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