Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Down as. Boo. I hate being down.

At present am hating the following:

City Rail

New shoes, heel already broke

Stupid skin

Lack of self control

Lack of excitement

Lack of sleep

yawn. bed for moi.

Send me some happy thoughts. please.


Blogger Ryaninja said...

Booo. No good feeling down. Poopy.

Here's a happy thought:
There's a monkey. He's wearing a brand new tuxedo he won at Gala bingo with his friend Fanny. He get's to command a whole troop of smaller monkeys. They don't have tuxdos. But they do have sombreros. Tux Monkey gets to command all the Sombrero Monkeys. He also has at his disposal plenty of bananas for banana skins, and he also has a cannister of nitrous oxide and a tub of hallucinogens.

You imagine the rest.

As for some nice happy music, I really like Jack Johnson. He's just released a new album, and althogh the topic of some of the songs are a bit sombre, the songs are happy sounding, and great to sing along to!

Enjoy!!!!!! :D

6:14 AM  
Blogger Ryaninja said...

Oh and I forgot, some of the Sombrero monkeys brought along diguises. They have those glasses with the big nose and hairy moustache attached...

6:16 AM  

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