Saturday, August 27, 2005

To blog or not to blog. That is the question. Due to the many requests I have received, insisting I update my blog, I have found the perfect day to do it.

Saturday 27th August – It’s grey outside. It may be winter, however grey is no excuse. I shall remind you that I live in Sydney, Australia. Grey is just not allowed. I have a sensational migraine. Ok, it’s not bad, but there are no signs of goodness.

Work – seems to have dried up, which is a great shame….I hate working, but money is super handy. So I’m super poor. Credit card is thriving. Checked out a sugar daddy website out of curiousity. Nope, still can’t bring myself to be even a selective ‘ho even. Doh.

Health – my usual. Migraines, check, eczema, check, crazy nose, check, food issues, check. I have even developed a slight stigmatism in one of my eyes since my last eye test (my cornea has changed from a soccer ball shap to a rugby ball shape – or something like that, I don’t know the complications). It’s ‘be good to my body’ week this week though. No sugar(refined)/dairy/yeast/fun. Today is day 6. Day 4 saw a fab time had by myself and my newest mates Steve & Dave. Vodka soda was my trick for the evening…I’m on my way to looking slim, trim & fabulous. Tested out the public opinion at the pub the other night, seems the male population approves of my current look (even though I was the most covered up under 30yo in the bar). Tres bien!

Flat – way cool…3 blocks from the beach. 3 blocks from the pub. 30 minutes by bus to the city (where I normally work). 2 blocks to the supermarket. What more could a girl want. We have a great set of kitchen knives & matching cutlery. My housemates are fab. My mate Grant, and his girlfriend, Seabastion are the lucky new folks who get to live with me. However, I shall not call Seabass as Grants girlfriend, as I’ve decided she’s way too cool to keep to himself. Seabass, you will now be listed/known as friend/housemate. Grant said I would like her, and I shouldn’t have doubted him, but how many times has that happened and then you’ve just been soo let down…in this case no let down. She even forced me to go to the local scabby gym. $5 a visit, all us temporarily poor people can afford. No Barbie dolls there. Been twice. Forgot how good it feels to exercise.

Life - settling back into Oz life. Had a disastrous hairdressing appointment, I walked out with the worst foils ever. Lucky I was sick for the next 4 days so no one saw my hideous hair. I went in for an emergency do near my parents house. Looks much better…damn all that money gone on hair! Had a bunch of my friends over to show, as opposed to ‘show off’ our new abode. Was great to see them in my own shared rental property. And it was great to remind myself that I do have friends here in Sydney. I think this is the hardest thing to get used to. Getting in peoples calendars. Admittedly, I prob haven’t been trying hard enough, I spend soo much time moaning with my migraines, I forget to make an effort when I’m not sick! Caught up with a few folks lately, and made some new friends. Viva the internet for new friends! Esp as the live 3 blocks away and love going to the pub. Just like moi. Both are fabulously nuts and very entertaining. Sydney being so small, that when Steve said he knew someone from the Mtns, I said ok, who, and it was a guy I went to school with and haven’t seen in 8 years or so. His housemate Dave grew up in Islington/Camden areas of London, so we have common stories about north London haunts – Hope & Anchor, ahh the days my friends. The London Days, that I still think about more than regularly, and just as fondly.

Enough, time to hunt me down some food.


Blogger Reesh said...

Welcome back!! Glad to hear you're well. That picture of the beach 3 blocks from you flat looks amazing!! And only a 30 minute commute to work - yipee!!!

Vancouver is licking balls right now in the weather department, but other than that things are great. I am day 5 without feeling sick and everyone at work knows now, so that's a huge relief! We go for our first ultrasound next Friday...

Good luck with your take care of body week, hope you feel better.


9:06 AM  

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