Tuesday, November 21, 2006

LIfe Update

Came back from Brisvegas on Sunday. Had the loveliest weekend up there. Strolled about Brisvegas's Southbank on the Friday night. Saturday we hit the beach up at Moolooabar, great, except from my white belly, which is finally not glowing red (bad Sarah). Saturday night had the best steak I've possibly had, thank you Regatta bar. And whilst we were out in the Valley, even managed a random meet up with my friend Mich, our diaries hardly ever sync in Sydney, but seems we can co-ordinate better when we find each other in random cities on a random weekend. Was great (as always) to get out of the city of Sydney..(and when I got back my lovely housemate Seabasser greated me at the airport - how cool is that?). Got to meet Narhans lovely lady friend, and thought what an excellent pairing up. My seal of approval. So glad another one of my mates has made an ace choice in partner. This does of course mean no one is allowed to break up!

Except for me. Well ok, maybe I need to pair up before I can break up, update there is that date 3 with MIU#2 is taking it's sweet time. I was away last weekend, he's away this weekend. Ce la vie. Meant to be, it's meant to be....

Seems my fish & I have a much stronger bond than previously thought. I've been away twice since I became a fishy mum. And on each occasion I came back to a dead fishlet. BOOOOO. And then there were 2. Yes, only 2 little fishlets left. Sigh. I tested the water for pH, nitrates & something else, and tests were so close to perfecto I couldn't believe it. So a broken fishy heart is all I could think of. BOOOOO. I'll try to get some more fish poss members tmw, as these guys like to school, and they are looking freaked out now there are only 2 in there crew.

Oh another footy match, another injury. Minor, but hurts like a MOFO I tell you. Clearly, I was never meant to be a pretty, girly girl. Cause I got my right big toe stomped on last night. Though, oh joy, I shall have matching blackened big toenails. However... this toe got a bit weirdo on me. It started out all black, and when i squeezed it, it all squirted out. And then came the goop. Today, it was sore. And left toe gooped more. And then i went to footy training. And then I came home (via a lovely team bonding sesh at the Robin Hood pub, including $6 steaks - YUM), i showered, and toe gooped more. So now I've nuked left toe with betadine. I'm still on antibiotics for my laryngitis, so hope they kill two evil health issues at the same time.

Yes, my laryngitis. 6 freaking days I was VOICELESS. Yes, me, sans voice, 6 days. Do you feel my pain? Today which is the 10th day since I lost my voice, I'm all husky phone sex operator type vocals. Beggars can't be chosers at this point, and I'm using it to the best of my ability, well maybe not. I haven't tried to use it seductively yet.


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