Friday, December 09, 2005


I've been all social. Yes, stranger things and all - I even left the east!

Wednesday night- drinks at Opera Bar, it was still close on 40 degrees at 5.30pm when I left the office, so sitting by the waters edge, drink in hand was such a fab idea. Not so fab was my incessant chatting, which lead me to opening my mouth and a fly making the dash for my tonsils. I spluttered, coughed, ew, yuck, I don't know why i swallowed that fly. Ok, so I do - I had no choice in the matter. DAMMIT! Yuck. Blah. Lucky i'm not vegan huh? Left the harbours edge at 11pm after a enjoyable eve. May I all remind you how beautiful Sydney Harbour is. I then received a text from Crazy Steve, who is my best mate in Coogee. So I then made my way from Circular Quay to Coogee Bay Ghetto, I mean hotel. Whilst I was not dealing well with booze than eve (migraines & booze - not friends- who'd have thought?). Steve did well, lasted several hours & several beers & didn't get booted out! Hooray! So got dinner about 1am (yes, a school night, crazy huh?) and mosied up the hill and was tucked up loosely in my sheets (remember it was 40 degrees just a few hours earlier) and snoozing not long after 2am. I repeat, ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!


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