Sunday, March 18, 2007

Life Savers - Get a whole lot more out of life!

I did a good deed for the day!

So after a pathetic effort at running - 15 minutes would be boosting it somewhat - I did have a migraine this weekend, so I'm blaming it for my lack lustre efforts, I was coming up the stairs & housemate Keen Bean was about to hit the surf & said he'd wait for me to get my swimming gear on. Off with sweaty running gear, on went the lycra skimpys. Grabbed our bikes & off we went.

The weather is making it known that summer is O_V_E_R. Today Sydney was grey. Without Keen Bean I would have procrastinated a bit more, rather than reading up on neo-liberalism, efficient markets & other riveting stuff. Instead I got my daily dose of salt & water. Iwan (aka Keen Bean) was heading up the south end to battle for waves, and I headed to the north end as it's usually better for swimming. Today decided that my swim would be just a quick dip, as the water was 'sharky' looking. Grey & murky & lurky. You know what I mean, it's 5.50pm, there's no sun, overcast, the water just looks scary. (yes, Sarah means princess, I get a bit princessy about water).

So I went in, water temperature was lovely. Decided that there were too many choppy waves for me to battle with my glasses on. See, often when it's flatish, and I'm just in for a quick swim, I'll leave my glasses on and swim. As opposed to popping in some contacts & going crazy with sight. But today, I thought I'd check out swimming blind. My blindness isn't blind blind. I can see big objects, everythings fuzzy & faceless. I can see things clearly when they get within say 30cm of my eyes. Handy huh? So there was a lot of pull from the water. The waves weren't that forcefull, but the current was sneaky enough. One minute you're within the flags, the next you're no where near them. (Non-aussies: by flags I'm referring to the red & yellow flags showing the patrolled area of the beach). I kept paddling back into the flags to be a good girl. There were a few people out, not a great deal.

A few young girls were swimming near by, No adults though. Mother Hen Sarah kept her eyes peeled (ok, mostly was my ears doing the watching). The water got a bit more intense, and one of the girls got a bit out of her depth, then realised the current was taking her. She got slapped by a wave. A few too many mouthfuls of water were swallowed. Her friend had managed to get out of the current. But this lil lass was starting to panic.

Seeing the lifeguards had packed up - but left the flags up, it looked like it was my duty to go & grab her. Yay for children being compact creatures. I paddled over to her & asked if she wanted me to take her in to shore. Yes. Poor thing was getting teary, snotty & coughing up the water. Picked her up & made our way in. Got her to shore & her mum came down to see what had happened. She was thankful that I'd got her little one back to shore. All was fine.

Lesson of the day: the ocean is always the boss.


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