Sunday, March 25, 2007

Voting - Oz Style

Yesterday was time for the NSW state election. In Land of Oz, voting is compulsory - if you are enrolled & don't vote you get a fine sent to you. So on a beautiful sunny Saturday I was more than glad to have the excuse to leave the house (hahaha, bye bye studying) and go down to the nearest school to have my say. Unfortunately, I didn't change my address in time, so I was still voting under the Blue Mountains area. Oh well. A ballot form is still a ballot form. It was long - hmm, 70cm long perhaps? It had boxes. And it had very funny candidates/parties that you could vote for!

My favourite parties names were: The Fishing Party, Horse Riders / Outdoor Recreation Pary, Save our Suburbs. The Shooters Party (or whatever they call themselves). None of them got my number 1 vote alas.

As was expected, the Labor party are back in power. No one really wanted them in. It really was a battle of the best of a bad bunch. More people wanted them in than the Liberal party from the voting front -and in Australia - the Liberal's are actually like conservatives elsewhere, we're a bit upside down here.


Blogger Monica said...

Sarah my love, how I've missed your ranting!!! Glad that everything is well and that you didn't vote for the 'shooter party'. Alcohol shooters = yum...other shooters = perhaps not so good :)

Mon (aka little brown lady)

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, I like lots of posts.

Are the 3 day weekend party still going :o)

8:25 PM  
Blogger sarahlocks said...

Hmm, no, didn't notice the 3 Day Weekend Party - perhaps we can re-invigorate that group when you get back here. Or you could get a governmental job which means you get a rostered day off! Gold I tell you - GOLD!

10:42 PM  

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