Sunday, April 08, 2007

Brrrrrm Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm!

I rode my *new* - new as in 2nd hand new to me new - motorcycle today! Eeek! Very very excited! My old highschool came in handy for learner burner riding time. Ahh the BHS bus bay. Such new memories of learning - some 11 years on!

Instructor Liz didn't look completely petrified, at least most of the time. So I mustn't have completely sucked. I even went out on the street - twice - used my indicator and all!

Tomorrow morn, I shall be back at it. And then next Saturday I'll come up the mountains again, to make use of the tranquil, long wide, empty streets. Then Liz brings my new toy down to the chaos of the eastern suburbs. Scary scary canary.


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