Saturday, June 30, 2007

Last Goodbye

In the beginning, the first place we met, most surely was at a Cooper party. 1996/7 or there abouts.

In the middle, life continued to involve partying. Drunken nights, my 21st, after work city drinks, house parties and the like.

In the end, there was a funeral. In attendance, the same group of guys whom I met at the Cooper party of 1997, minus the tall, eccentric red head.

Just under two weeks ago I found out that F was no longer with us. His choice. And it hurt. I didn’t feel that I had the right to feel as sad as I did. He wasn’t a close friend, or someone I saw regularly. He was one of those unique characters who left an impression on you.

F was one of the guys that I knew through M & A. They were always up for a good time, their favourite pastimes usually involving extremes. Be it adventures or drinking. The last time we were all out, I piked early. That was after bad dancing & absinthe at one of the cheesiest, crappiest bars in the CBD. Twas much fun though.

The time before, the boys headed to my place at Coogee, for what I was led to believe may have been a great party. My memories are somewhat hazy. There was a guy rapping. I was singing along to Green Day & drinking hefty amounts of Absolute. The photos reveal that M, A, F & myself were all super photogenic that night. As the party ended, I was sitting down, talking shite with F through the wee hours. We may have had a race to see who could pass out the fastest. Maybe it wasn’t a race. Maybe it just happened.

Lots of things just happen. Some are fun. And some are not. That someone who I knew, chose to opt out of life has made me think; to ponder the big questions in life. To think about the smaller things. To wonder how terrible it must feel to get to the lowest of lows. Lots of thoughts. I came to the conclusion that we all should be nicer to each other. Listen & hope that we can all get through the things that come our way.

F, you made your decision. Just wish we could have helped done something to sway you before you made it final.

You truly were ace, I’m sad to see you go.



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