Saturday, June 30, 2007

Last Goodbye

In the beginning, the first place we met, most surely was at a Cooper party. 1996/7 or there abouts.

In the middle, life continued to involve partying. Drunken nights, my 21st, after work city drinks, house parties and the like.

In the end, there was a funeral. In attendance, the same group of guys whom I met at the Cooper party of 1997, minus the tall, eccentric red head.

Just under two weeks ago I found out that F was no longer with us. His choice. And it hurt. I didn’t feel that I had the right to feel as sad as I did. He wasn’t a close friend, or someone I saw regularly. He was one of those unique characters who left an impression on you.

F was one of the guys that I knew through M & A. They were always up for a good time, their favourite pastimes usually involving extremes. Be it adventures or drinking. The last time we were all out, I piked early. That was after bad dancing & absinthe at one of the cheesiest, crappiest bars in the CBD. Twas much fun though.

The time before, the boys headed to my place at Coogee, for what I was led to believe may have been a great party. My memories are somewhat hazy. There was a guy rapping. I was singing along to Green Day & drinking hefty amounts of Absolute. The photos reveal that M, A, F & myself were all super photogenic that night. As the party ended, I was sitting down, talking shite with F through the wee hours. We may have had a race to see who could pass out the fastest. Maybe it wasn’t a race. Maybe it just happened.

Lots of things just happen. Some are fun. And some are not. That someone who I knew, chose to opt out of life has made me think; to ponder the big questions in life. To think about the smaller things. To wonder how terrible it must feel to get to the lowest of lows. Lots of thoughts. I came to the conclusion that we all should be nicer to each other. Listen & hope that we can all get through the things that come our way.

F, you made your decision. Just wish we could have helped done something to sway you before you made it final.

You truly were ace, I’m sad to see you go.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

So much younger than today...

My little (and only) brother had his 21st on Saturday night. ohh. He's all grown up now.

It was a dress up party...had to come as an 86 year old. Oh me oh my!

Here's me & my dad, super stylin' or what?

Monday, June 04, 2007

All over the shop...

Dear readers,

I had a bit of a one-of-those weekends. It didn't involve alcohol, which maybe that's what I'm missing?? Not sure.

Well I have learnt that migraines & booze are not a good combination, especially when taking medication. Enough of us remember my last big 'trolleyed' efforts with that great combo back in Vancouver... So I avoid the two at the same time.

So therefore, it was just my brain being frazzled. Friday night - being the young & groovy type that I am, I did a cleanathon, to get the house looking as pretty as this ghetto gets. New housemate Nicole was moving in on Sunday, so time to impress. I painted some of the ultra skanky parts in the bathroom. Looks much better. Saturday I went to the hardware store, to get yet another shower head as the last one exploded, it blasted off towards the roof, water gushing every where - me with conditioner running into my eyes. Insert much Sarah type cursing. New shower head is much better. It should be, cost twicce the price. But it is water efficient which is important in this drought ravaged land. It was off to watch Australia play Uruguay in the football out at Homebush that night. Which we lost. U_R_GAY! Somehow, I managed to leave the house without my wallet. My mobile battery was dying as well. So trying to find friends at homebush with 2 battery cells left was fun. But it happened. We were lucky enough to get a ride back to the city after the match. Or so we thought we were lucky. The traffic around the stadium was of course insane. I think by the time we left Homebush, dropped Ian off in Newtown and finally got to Oxford Street in the City, it was a good 1.5 hours. Oh there was a Maccas stop in there too. Yum, cheap & cheesey. I think I paid the price for it the next day. Must work on figuring out my allergies one day...but the car ride had some of the best singing I've heard in years. We rocked. I'm personally glad I'm missing a chunk of hearing. Made our singalong sound even better. Makes my singing so much better too! All I can say is bring oon a road trip to the snow, which may have 2 others from Saturday night in the car too. It will be the acest! Choir Boys was a favourite.

Sunday morning, went for a stroll, to grab a muffin and to see if there were any garage sales happening nearby. Strolling, window shopping, was all good. I made it up to the charity shop & went to get my wallet out. OH .... Where the hell is my wallet?? AAGHGHGHGHGH! And then I thought - ok, bad enough to lose my wallet, but shit where are my keys! New housemate coming in an hour and wouldn't it be great if I'd welcome them by making them sit in the truck while I get a locksmith out. Boooo. Boo then turned to slight relief, finding I'd been smart enough not to slip my key into my wallet. So i re-traced my steps, thinking what a waste of time. It's Saturday, in the middle of the day in Bondi. Peak people traffic times. But I needed to make my way home anyway...retrace, retrace. Looked up at a sign on a light pole - 'Wallet found, 12:15pm, 3rd June, please call....' HOLY CRAP BALLS BATMAN! And I even had credit on my phone - bring bring - 'Hi,. my names Sarah and I lost a little blue wallet.....' Yup, come to the cafe and you can collect it!'

Yay! I almost skipped up the street, clicking my heels with glee! Lucky for my fascination with garage sales and posters on street posts these days...

I got to the cafe, and the finders were so, so nice, wouldn't even let me buy them lunch! All the cash was in there too.

So in honour of good honest folk still existing in the big smoke, I donated the $30 i had in my wallet to Medicin sans Frontieres . Everyone won that day.

On a less happy note, I now need to work on my group project. It's due Thursday. Then I'll be such a relieved camper. No university for almost 2 months - bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!