Saturday, November 25, 2006


I'm not sure that you're all aware that it is the month of MOVEMBER. - The concept is that the sisterhood gets in to really support breast cancer & womens health issues in general, but boys, being boys tend to shy away from discussing & getting checked out for things like cancer in their private bits & areas. Movember is about changing that. The idea is that you boys & any slightly hairier than average women sign up to grow a mo & raise sponship money during the month of November. Truely an ace idea don't you think? I have a thing for moustaches. I love that porn star look they can instantly give just about any guy if they grow a mo. (Well, exccept for those exceptions to the rule where the mo just makes 'em look kinda ratty / weedy / dorky - poor little guys).

However, the only issue I have with Movember is figuring out a serious moustache wearer and people doing it purely for Movember. As a single young woman eyeing off potential male prospects, it does make it hard. Do you wear that mo 365 days a year seriously or is it a Movember mo. I have often pondered this month. Time will soon tell when the men of this city return to their hairless ways.

Sigh. What will make me smile next month when all the taches disappear?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

LIfe Update

Came back from Brisvegas on Sunday. Had the loveliest weekend up there. Strolled about Brisvegas's Southbank on the Friday night. Saturday we hit the beach up at Moolooabar, great, except from my white belly, which is finally not glowing red (bad Sarah). Saturday night had the best steak I've possibly had, thank you Regatta bar. And whilst we were out in the Valley, even managed a random meet up with my friend Mich, our diaries hardly ever sync in Sydney, but seems we can co-ordinate better when we find each other in random cities on a random weekend. Was great (as always) to get out of the city of Sydney..(and when I got back my lovely housemate Seabasser greated me at the airport - how cool is that?). Got to meet Narhans lovely lady friend, and thought what an excellent pairing up. My seal of approval. So glad another one of my mates has made an ace choice in partner. This does of course mean no one is allowed to break up!

Except for me. Well ok, maybe I need to pair up before I can break up, update there is that date 3 with MIU#2 is taking it's sweet time. I was away last weekend, he's away this weekend. Ce la vie. Meant to be, it's meant to be....

Seems my fish & I have a much stronger bond than previously thought. I've been away twice since I became a fishy mum. And on each occasion I came back to a dead fishlet. BOOOOO. And then there were 2. Yes, only 2 little fishlets left. Sigh. I tested the water for pH, nitrates & something else, and tests were so close to perfecto I couldn't believe it. So a broken fishy heart is all I could think of. BOOOOO. I'll try to get some more fish poss members tmw, as these guys like to school, and they are looking freaked out now there are only 2 in there crew.

Oh another footy match, another injury. Minor, but hurts like a MOFO I tell you. Clearly, I was never meant to be a pretty, girly girl. Cause I got my right big toe stomped on last night. Though, oh joy, I shall have matching blackened big toenails. However... this toe got a bit weirdo on me. It started out all black, and when i squeezed it, it all squirted out. And then came the goop. Today, it was sore. And left toe gooped more. And then i went to footy training. And then I came home (via a lovely team bonding sesh at the Robin Hood pub, including $6 steaks - YUM), i showered, and toe gooped more. So now I've nuked left toe with betadine. I'm still on antibiotics for my laryngitis, so hope they kill two evil health issues at the same time.

Yes, my laryngitis. 6 freaking days I was VOICELESS. Yes, me, sans voice, 6 days. Do you feel my pain? Today which is the 10th day since I lost my voice, I'm all husky phone sex operator type vocals. Beggars can't be chosers at this point, and I'm using it to the best of my ability, well maybe not. I haven't tried to use it seductively yet.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Football, Dating, Drag Queens

Dating, such a weird concept. An interview for love is my view on it really. Especially when it comes down to meeting people outside of your circles of friends/colleagues/random drunken nights out. Yes folks, online dating. Lot's of people I know have lost their single status to it. In my group of friends I know of one engagement & one living in sin arrangement. When you've exhausted your friends supply of elligble males & you work with a heavily married population of train geeks, it just seems that online may be the place to look.

So with dating, everyone has their own personality & style. I'm not much of a 'let's do coffee sort'. Mainly as I don't drink coffee that often, and usually when I do it's for medicinal purposes only. Like waking up at work.

I'm def a few drinks kind of gal (surprise!).

Date one with MIU#2 (man in uniform #2...yes....different type of uniform this time...don't ask....why are they drawn to me, it's like cats, you don't like them, they just want to rub against you all the time. Hmmm...). Drinks down in Bondi. Great way to kill some time on a sunny but very breazey day in the east. Sitting in the pub, conversation not a problem. All went very well. Until I got a text later from MIU#2 - he got a parking ticket. But still wanted to see me again. Date number 2. Hmmm. Me being me, eating out isn't the best option (hence why I like drinks). Special needs and all, best not to have an evil food reaction whilst trying to impress. MIU#2 suggested that he and a few friends (nothing to be scared) were going to a pub in Glebe for the hermit crab racing. Such an excellent idea. Try as I might to make it out that night, my cold got the better of me. BOOO! So Friday night we both had flexible plans. I suggested going to see Sydney FC (football/soccer). He'd not been to a football match before, and I haven't seen the new league either. One of my other friend's was going & had a free ticket, so it was decided. Football. Hilarious night out. Sitting in the cove, with all the lads. Sydney FC hadn't won a match in 6 games or so, so they were overdue. We met some very interesting people that night. A few hilarious guys from Sefton. They were impressed with my use of orange & red accessories to brighten my outfit. I was more impressed that they noticed. They made me & MIU#2 laugh. Syd FC had got themselves sorted and whacked in 4 goals, admittedly against the team sitting bottom of the comp, but take what you can get right?

Post match required more drinking & more celebrating. I was supposedly on my best behaviour that night, as I was doing my motorbike course and needed to be up at 6.45am the next morning & sober (eeeek!).

However, I was lead astray by all & sundry. Our group ended up at a gay bar near the stadium (gays = protection from bogans, it's great!). Yes, I take boys to football matches & for drinks at a gay bar. I'm not sure that's common practice in the dating world, but it was ace fun. Good to check out the potential new beau isn't homophobic. MIU#2 looked like he didn't have any issues being there, nor making friends with some other boys at the bar who called him over. I was too busy ranting to Maria about the good old days of Club Marconi, big hair & bad 80s songs (which the queens were singing & dancing about up on stage).

The night ended with me being whisked off home in a taxi, several drinks too many, thinking crap, I need to be up in 5 hours & sober...but I had a taxi driver who knew my street - wonders will never cease! But how can date 3 top a football match & a gay bar with a drag show? Where ever do we go from here?


I really have the kids in Vancouver to blame for my interest in motorbikes. Adam, first & foremost, then Jess.

After much talk & much waiting, myself, Sarah May & Georgie got up far to early (for a weekend) and headed out to Botany to do our pre learner motorbike course.

Yes, pre learner - before you can get your Learner permint on a motorbike in NSW, you must attend compulsory training ($69 for 8 hours training is pretty good though, yay for the government subsidising & trying to save lives).

I was nervous. I don't have a car licence. I've never ever driven a manual car. I've prob only driven a car 15 times in my life...

But dammit, I did it! Such a sense of achievement. I'm not really known for pushing myself to learn new things. This was a big step in itself really. To add to my learning curve was my loss of voice. So not only am I bopping about in a fullface helmut, my hearing as dodgey as ever but with the added bonus of a croaky voice. Hurrah!

Motorcylces. Wow, so much going on. People make them look so easy to ride. But every bit of you're body is doing something. Both hands, both feet, knees in, keep your posture relaxed, wrists about multi tasking. Then the whole gears thingy. Yes, got there eventually. My preferred learning style is discuss/do/write down. Tends to stay in my head best. However, no time for that. Prob not quite enough time on some of the activities to master things, but gradually, it makes sense... Practice makes perfect.

Now I just need to do some more demo questions on:
Then go to: demonstrationdriverknowledgetest (i had to break the link as it was upsetting a blogreader with it's destruction of my paragraph set up)

and once I get my voice back I'll be heading down to the RTA to sit the written/computer test. Then I scope out quiet practice places. Then I can go buy me a motorbike...eeek! Liz, help please!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Day 4 - Heal you little bastard (without scaring please)! Posted by Picasa

Sporty Spice

Touch footy, used to be one of my great loves. I stopped when i moved overseas. Now I know why!!!

When I play, I play with, ahh, passion & commitment - I've no qualms diving to make a touch (especially as I'm no sprint star these days). I'm usually quite good at landing. This time I got the touch. Was chuffed that after 5 years of not playing, and getting closer to my 3rd decade on this here earth I landed well. Walked around for a bit, plulled a few bindies out of my hands (prickly spikey things that grow in grass in Oz, as opposed to Steve Irwins daughter).

Then I looked down at my leg. Yuck. I was pissed off. I was going to be in pain in the shower that night. Yuck, took a lovely slice of skin off my leg and donated it to the playing fields of Centennial Park. DOH!

This is the biggest scrape I've had on me - ever. Yes, I appreciate I've been insanely lucky not to have done more damage done to myself in 28 years.

I don't want a scar. The doctor (no I didn't go just for my scrape) reckons I'll prob have some change in the pigmentation on my leg. There goes my modelling career. Grrr. You get interesting looks off people, when you're running about the city, dressed for work in cute, knee length skirts with a big uncovered graze. Esp from guys. I guess guys don't dig chicks with scars (or maybe just scabs..)

I'll be happy when I can run again with out it hurting. Or at least without cracking the scab open and it oozing everywhere. Realistically, I'll give up on that idea on Monday when I play footy again.