Look at me!!!
Something uber weird has happened. I'd class myself as happy & healthy! Last night I was buzzing about like someone had slipped me something ilicit. I was bouncing of the walls, dancing around listening to Triple J play a bunch of awesome songs. Alas, I was meant to be churning out an essay. So a vodka & cointreau helped me relax and get the verbal diahorrea flowing.
Unfortunatly, the booze didn't help my feelings of wanting to go and run amuck. Lucky for me, those who regularly lead me to temptation were not being tempted last night. DAMN THEM! I watched the minutes tick away, and as the clock struck midnight, I knew that this Cinderella was not going out to party. So reverted to the essay once more.
I have skin. Real human skin. Not crazy red and flaking. Just lovely, glowing normal skin. Woot woot! At last! It's much easier to concentrate when body is not insanely messed up. I seem to be getting migraines less too. They still kick me about harshly when I do, but less frequently. I changed my medications about, got rid of some and voila, here I am. The person I wanted to be but, but struggled to be to these evil forces.
Works all fine. I'm getting the hang of uni now. I've given up trying to study during daylight hours. It just doesnt do it for me. So today I went for a ride and hung out with my mate Steve and watched the footy and shovelled food into my face. Now I'm typing up a blog post. Poor assignment. You'll get my full attention in 5 more minutes.
I'm shedding some kilos (4 down, 3 to go for ultimate hotness), looking less like a potential Jenny Craig candidate and more like I'll be able to kick some serious ass next touch footy season. This season I had moments of glory and got myself a decent number of tries (was the top girl scorer in my team). But my ability to sprint was hinder by the 7 extra kilos that had jump on for the ride. We're getting there. Truly. My very cool team came minor premiers, but lost the grandfinal. I wasn't there, neither was another key player. That weekend everyone had stuff on, mostly involving vast amounts of booze. A valient effort was put forward, and they lost by 1 try. The team blamed me & Adam for not being there.
My knees aren't happy with the exercise regime, but they are learning to stay quiet. Several times a week I hit the gym. 45 minutes on the cross trainer, 45 on the bike and 35 on the treadmill (walking, jesus, I'm not super woman!). I'd like to thank Fox8's programming of King of the Hill, The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy and then The Simpsons once more. My attention span is on the tv and not the monotonous calorie crunching I put my body through. We'll see how the body balance classes go in helping my snowboarding in a few months. Balance and working the core stregnth baby. Just what the doctor ordered. First class hurt me. But I'll go back again. Though seeing peoples bare feet at close range did gross me out a bit.
I've got the hang of riding my motorbike. Yeah, so I stall still at random times, but I've got the hang of kicking her over and getting on with it. I still get nervous before climbing on, but 5 minutes later that's in the back of my mind. I'm zipping around the city more regularly and in some high traffic areas. Phew, I soo thought I was never going to make it this far!!
Ahh, soo many things are good right now, and thanks to soo many people have seen me through all these frustrating things.
She's a happy little Vegiemite as bright as bright can be.... and here's the photographic evidence - this is after about 2 months of healthy goodnees!