Sunday, March 26, 2006

Party = Booze = Trouble = Fun times = Yay

We had a party! We had a party! I love parties.

I love friends who come to parties to make them extra fun. Many thanks to all the crazy kids who showed up & got stuck into the good times.

Highlights of the night were:

Absolut Rasberri Vodka (my partner in crime)
Nick & his cask of goon
'10 Questions on Camera' Andy (also birthday Andy)
Drinking from the bladder of said goon
Rapper Steve
Wall of Scrawl (fave comment to be announced soon)
Spurting goon over selected friends
The broken glass clock
Memory gaps (i'm guessing i was having too much fun to remember!)
Nick passed out @ 11pm
Mood lighting, red in lounge, blue in the waiting room.
Nick passed out & being drawn on (with permanent markers. Nick had to go to work the next morning. Did he get the moustache off? Remember Michelle!)
Singing up a storm
Nick setting up bed under the table for protection
Bad ass dancing
Drunk phone calls (that I don't recall having)

The morning after the night before. I woke kinda late to see bliss! The house was semi spotless. God bless Grants cotton socks. I stumbled down the street to have brunch (fry up!) & then we met some of the overniters for a pub session. Hair of dog did not work today. Bollocks. 2 hours later we left the pub. I crawled up the hill in the blasting sun & came and surfed the net. That was all i was able to do. Now I'm off to hang my washing out in the dark. It's 6.30pm and it's getting dark. Who let this happen? Summer wants to go bye byes! And now so shall I.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

All those years of orthodontics paid off. Posted by Picasa

Me @ the Races for a friends Hens day. Posted by Picasa

My life online....

Bridesmaid shopping. How many people can i offend in one day. I'm a bit of a critic/whinger, and well putting on shitty frocks def brought it out in me. Until we found some good uns. We've got the style that we want, we both look lovely in it. The colour is almost decided too. Potentially deep aubergine (deep purple - eggplant purple) or maybe pale blue. Trying on dresses does a few things to you.
A) Make you feel fat
B) Make you feel gorgeous
C) Make you hate sales people
D) Make you glad you aren't trying on bridal gowns!

I do love a good dress up though. And then the hair will be done & the makeup... but even better - there is talk of a stretch chevvy being the vehicle that wisks us away to the reception. Now that would be sweet. Crusing around Kiama & Wollongong in a chev. Bring it on!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

And so

I did it!

I managed a year away from London. Without consulting last years diary, or my memory bank, I'd planned a night on the disco dance floor (ok, so it's a cool lil pub that has a cool indie night, not quite disco, but the beer garden cranks with all the cool kids) last Friday night, with Kristen, John & Liamski. And by Friday afternoon I was in no shape to go out. No, I hadn't cracked the bottle of emergency bubbly in my cupboard at the office, I just felt wrong. Thought just maybe a power nap & a cool shower would do the trick & some necessary medication. Nope. Night out CANCELLED. I made it down the street to buy a kebab & curled up on the lounge to watch Jaws (wow, sooo slow) & read, before the 11 hours of snoozing that followed. Straight, no wake up in between. Must have been necessary. I read my last years diary & found out that the last Friday in February last year - I'd gone out for my last dance at the Borderline in London with none other than Kristen, John & Liam. D'oh. One year on, I feel ok about where I am with myself at the moment. I kinda like Sydney. It’s public transport is rubbish though, so I still feel isolated. With a few more mates moving to the city though, that should help things out…..settling in takes such a long time. I’m so impatient.

Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. Never thought I could feel so free…flying away on a wing & a prayer, who could it be… believe it or not it's just me. Oh err..i digress. I loved that song as a kid. Tell me who sings it & what show it was the theme song for & you get 10 brownie points.

Had to cancel the next night out too - housewarming & pub crawl. I was sad. Sad that the coincidence didn't quite happen, sad that another year's passed and there are so many things I need to do - I just don't know what they are. I think my next goal, is......

to buy a motorbike, after I get my motorbike learners permit. Just gotta save up a wee bit more cash.

Anyone got any suggestions for hobbies I should take up, cause clearly, snowboarding just isn't doing it for me at the moment. Given I'm about 10 hours away from the nearest rideable mountain. And that’s 10 plane hours...