M & my new toy...
Here is my new love...
Kristen, please note - these are your old Target jeans - the only jeans I own that I can comfortably ride in (and without having half my ass out on public display - sorry for the visual dear readers!).
I've almost decided which fancy pants Kevlar jeans I'm getting. Draggin skins, stretchy blue jeans, look like the winner at the moment. A bit too skin tight alright for my liking for the size I need them in if I want them not to gape at the waist, not complete slutdom, though close enough for daylight adventures. The plus side is that they are hipsters - yes, biker jeans for girls that sit below the navel! See, riding jeans are made for safety, and having hot little hipsters on when you crash, with their lack of protection around you hips, really does defeat the purpose of having fancy kevlar riding jeans on in the first place. Harry highpants, however, feel just WRONG
Viva la hipster! Right, now I'm back to my essays...deadline Monday & Thursday.