Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Chrimbo!

Hey all my dear friends who read my rant.

Wishing you a fantabulous Christmas. Sydney is sweltering, god bless the advent of the air con unit.

Ho ho ho,



Friday, December 09, 2005


Yay, the working week is over! My week was quite scatty in the office, too much bits & pieces interupting my big commission task at hand. Too many nights with not quite enough sleep. It's going to be a still day on Sunday so I can do some catch up work down the beach. That's the plan, Stan. Friday, insanely busy in Sydney. Xmas Party season & fine weather making it just crazily busy. Lucky myself & Sarah-May can lower our standards easily enough to sit in the outside area of the Paragon in Circular Quay. But we made a pact to do some high class evenings out. When we are slightly more financial. yay. I do love having a few friends who do stuff with me around again, even if they aren't quite close enough at the moment, they'll soon be within 10kms...

Now, time for bed. Xmas party tmw night...I work for the worlds largest fitness centre chain in the world.

There will be some eye candy available I believe....

Thursday Night

On Thursday night, I welcomed into my fold the fabulous Kye. Kye is an acquired friend of a friend, acquired during my Canadian stint. Kye filled me in on the joys of her recent travels, (over fab burger at Burgelicious) ahh, sooo envious! Then we toddled down to @Newtown (formerly known as the Newtown RSL) to see The Kills. Drinks on level one firstly. Intense discussion on East Enders. Enjoying our tipple, trying to not pay attention to the dire drag queen on stage . Eventually we had no choice but to partake in her show. She insisted on clambering on our table(we were on tall bar stools). In her 4 inch heels and Tina Turner sequined frock. Dancing & singing aren't really her strong points, poor lass. Then she lays down on the table, asks us to hold her legs (yes..and we complied..). And she eventually flips over the side of the table. Red sequined knickers are where its at. Apparently. So a big welcome back to Kye, who I've insisted that she will attend countless gigs, when we both have money. Viva live music!

AGHGHG! What - these folks are messing in our flat! Oh yeah it's a party. Me & Grantis Housemateis. Posted by Picasa


I've been all social. Yes, stranger things and all - I even left the east!

Wednesday night- drinks at Opera Bar, it was still close on 40 degrees at 5.30pm when I left the office, so sitting by the waters edge, drink in hand was such a fab idea. Not so fab was my incessant chatting, which lead me to opening my mouth and a fly making the dash for my tonsils. I spluttered, coughed, ew, yuck, I don't know why i swallowed that fly. Ok, so I do - I had no choice in the matter. DAMMIT! Yuck. Blah. Lucky i'm not vegan huh? Left the harbours edge at 11pm after a enjoyable eve. May I all remind you how beautiful Sydney Harbour is. I then received a text from Crazy Steve, who is my best mate in Coogee. So I then made my way from Circular Quay to Coogee Bay Ghetto, I mean hotel. Whilst I was not dealing well with booze than eve (migraines & booze - not friends- who'd have thought?). Steve did well, lasted several hours & several beers & didn't get booted out! Hooray! So got dinner about 1am (yes, a school night, crazy huh?) and mosied up the hill and was tucked up loosely in my sheets (remember it was 40 degrees just a few hours earlier) and snoozing not long after 2am. I repeat, ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!

Me & Mr Randwick. At the flat warming. I'm so hopeless at remembering names... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Praia, plage, playa - BEACH!

I've got to say, living by the beach is the best thing I’ve done in such a long time. Besides, not having enough friends to come and just hang with me, the crappy queues at the supermarket and having no decent local pub to booze at, I’m enjoying my stay here. This lack of friends thing is an issue. One that I’m trying to deal with, but alas, I don’t think I’m working through it. So this week, I’m meeting up with a few girls who I’ve met online who are kinda new to the area and also looking for people just to hang out with. I really, really, miss having one of my old time mates to just call up and say, want to go for a few bevvies at the pub? Want to come around and watch crap tv for a few hours? Let’s go for a swim and then have lunch? That’s what I need. My housemates are ace. Truly they are, but alas, they work weekends. I’m a social girl, I need contact with more than 2 people over an entire weekend.

So after scouring my phone trying to harass a few of my local mates into coming to the beach, I got a response from my newest mate Steve (although I think we’ve been mates since August now). He was out at the markets shopping but said he’d be back & we’d go buy him some boardies & then hit the ocean. Yay – a positive response! I went for a swim, read some of the paper, went for another swim and heard ‘Sarah’ being called out, which is a fairly common name. It was housemate Grantis calling, yay swim bud! Grantis, who convinced me it was time for lunch! (yes, it’s always hard to convince me to eat…). The thai place is near Steves place, so I swung by after, saw their new purchases (money box & bonsai) and then we beelined for the beach (after getting Steve beach gear). We christened the new Frisbee, which we deemed crapola (or was that just us?). Though apparently a good way to meet girls in the water…whoops, sorry, didn’t mean to splash you! Then as with all good friends, we ended up at the Coogee Bay for a few quite bevvies. This is what life should be about. The simple things in life are often the best.

Good times – without 3months of planning. Right.

Is it time for in with the new, out with the old?